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喜訊 !


亦美天下(香港)有限公司( Mitocell(HK)Ltd )憑着其專業態度,服務BYONIK 客戶,得到德國廠方Beauty Lumis的深度認同和支持,於2023年被授予為香港獨家代理,委予重任攜手發展BYONIK 在香港及中國大陸的未來發展。

德國「BYONIK 脈動雙激光」自2015年引入香港,衝破重重困難成為「輕醫美」的翹楚。




特此鳴謝及通知,致擁戴BYONIK的客戶,亦美天下(香港)有限公司,於2023年除了為儀器提供原廠升級及保養服務外,每月推出線上線下培訓,協助前線員工開拓BYONIK 服務,為更多愛美人士提供無痛、高效、鏢靶皮膚細胞治療,共同促進「輕醫美、大健康」的趨勢。



We are pleased to announce that effective from Jan 2023, Mitocell ( HK ) Ltd is appointed as BYONIK’s exclusive distributor to extend developing this specialised & non-invasive beauty treatment in both Hong Kong and Mainland China market in the future. Our company has been highly recognised and supported by the German manufacturer, Beauty Lumis, appreciating our professionalism serving all Byonik customers over the past years. 

“BYONIK Pulse Dual Laser" designed and made in Germany was introduced to Hong Kong in 2015, has become the unique laser treatment system and gradually gained popularity in non-invasive aesthetics market despite the challenging pandemic.

BYONIK is many users’ favourite medical aesthetic treatment which can effectively revitalise the skin cell. This treatment required no down-time and can combine with all kinds of  high-energy aesthetic treatments, such as: Pico Laser, HIFU, or RF, anytime after Byonik. It is the ultimate solution for fragile and dehydrated skin after medical aesthetic treatment to preserve and re-energise the cells.

BYONIK has also gained prevalence in lifestyle beauty industry. Therapists with special training on the Byonik treatment technique will be able to provide customers an extremely relaxing cell activation process, and it rejuvenates and repairs the skin at cellular level while locking in hydration.

BYONIK has been a well-known facial treatment over the years. It helped a lot of patients with eczema & sensitive skin to regain skin health. 

We would like to express our gratitude to thank for your continuous support. We promised providing excellent customer services, including equipment upgrades and maintenance, launching online and offline training in month basis to assist beauty therapists to carry out best-outcome painless and safe BYONIK treatment. What we believe is “ a simple & painless aesthetic treatment may bring you good health"!

Mitocell (HK) Ltd
December 26, 2022

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